breast cancer
Breast Cancer Symptoms - Key to Early Detection For Complete Cure

Breast cancer is nowadays a commonly found disease in women. It consists of abnormal growth of cells in the breast. When these cells keep growing continuously without any interruption then it starts affecting other healthy cells. The growth of this disease can start at the small lobe, tissues and vessels in breast. Although there is no defining symptoms but some factors help you in getting the required help, at the right time.
It is not easy to detect breast cancer. The symptoms sometimes do not occur at early stage. Even feeling pain is not always a sign for this type of cancer. But if you are familiar with common signs then you can manage this condition and even cure it completely. Every woman knows about the size and shape of breast. There should be no swelling and distortion in breasts. To check, you should gently press your fingers flatly on the surface of breast. If you find any sort of lump, mass or thickening then you should consult to your physician. Symptoms also include dimpling or ridges and rash or scales on the skin. If you notice that one breast is growing more in comparison to other breast then you need to consult doctor.
Apart from this breast cancer symptoms include inverted nipples in changed shape and also pushed inward. Discharge of colorless, yellow, milky or even blood discharge from nipples is one of the most noticeable symptoms. It is not essential that only women fall prey to breast cancer but men can also have this condition. Although it is in rare cases. The symptoms for this disease are same for both men and women. However, apart from other symptoms, men should look for signs such as pain in nipple, enlarged lymph nodes and areola sores.
However, women should visit doctor frequently for breast check up. It will assist you in diagnosing breast cancer early. If you find yourself unable to analyze yourself then you can undergo a clinical breast cancer exam.
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