breast cancer
Breast Cancer Awareness Facts Every Woman Should Know

Nothing is more important than your health-you have heard this for years and years and finally realize that this true. A major disease that strikes thousands of women every year can be detected early and the survival rate is increasing.
Did you know that every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer or that more than 211,000 new cases of breast cancer are expected in the United States? You should know a few simple facts about breast cancer awareness that could save your life.
You know the routine and that you should follow your doctor's recommendations to get a mammogram on a regular basis—whether every 3 years or every year, this simple test can detect early changes in your breasts.
There are also self examinations that you should perform every month at home. I know what you are thinking-what a pain, but you can make this a simple procedure you do the first of every month when taking your shower. This is a particularly good time because your body is wet and the soap helps your hands move quickly and easily over your skin as you check for lumps.
Other than these two proactive items you can do, what else can help you be more diligent about breast cancer awareness? This is also simple and easy to follow. Be aware of the different symptoms of breast cancer. These include but are not limited to feeling a small, firm and painless lump; checking your skin for unusual swelling or appearance; a difference in size or shape that was never there before.
Also, you should know what your nipples look like-as women, we usually neglect ourselves to take care of others. Do you know what your nipples look like and would you know if there was a change in them? If the skin on your nipples changes texture, has a rash or discharge or suddenly become inverted-this is a great time to go and see your doctor.
Knowing everything you can about breast cancer awareness will provide you with an opportunity to not only take care of yourself but also your mother, sisters, daughters and friends. As women, we are bound by our common fear and misunderstanding of this terrible disease, but it does not have to be a death sentence. Early detection and treatment has increased the survival rate of breast cancer survivors to over 90%.
Become active in your community whether helping to coordinate a mammogram day at your church or office where women can sign up for the test. If you are already a survivor, sign up with your local hospital to talk to women currently being treated for the disease—they need to see that life will once again be normal for them.
We are all sisters in this battle to educate each other about breast cancer awareness and to help each other through our morale support and love for each other.
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