breast cancer
Breast Cancer - Cure and Treatments

Breast cancer is one of the most feared diseases which nobody wants to be diagnosed with. From all the media attention it receives today a person would think that progress is being made towards finding a cure, but unfortunately the opposite is true, as the breast cancer rates are still climbing.
The main reason why it is still increasing is that we don't have prevention, despite all the causes of breast cancer being well known. Also the reason why we don't have a cure for breast cancer is because all our current treatments are very good at generating profits for the companies that are involved and in control of the industry.
The well known slogan telling woman that early detection will lead to a cure, is a myth! Early detection is beneficial only to the breast cancer industry through their statistics. If they can detect breast cancer early then the 'meter' that measures the 5 year survival cycle starts running earlier. The patient then has a better chance of passing the critical 5 year period and therefore deemed a 'survivor', regardless of the patients health after 5 years. Also early detection slogans helps recruit woman into the breast cancer industry.
The causes of breast cancer have been well known for many years. There is a cure for the disease and it is very simple. Remove all the known factors that have caused it to begin with, then with the amazing self healing powers of the human body (which we all have) it will remove the cancer naturally and permanently.
What our medical system is doing is looking for complex answers to a simple problem. Breast cancer does not need aggressive toxic treatments that damage the body. To cure breast cancer a person only needs to respect the laws of Mother Nature by living as we are supposed to and especially eating the foods we have been designed to eat, these being freshly grown fruit and vegetables.
The breast cancer industry will continue to research cures for the disease, but they will never succeed. Cancer is similar to scurvy which is simply a vitamin C deficiency and the only way to cure scurvy is naturally. Breast cancer is exactly the same, it is a disease of a weak immune system and there are only natural ways to strengthen it. And this is why the breast cancer industry hasn't made any progress in finding a cure, despite looking for nearly 40 years. A drug to cure breast cancer does not exist.
There are some other factors that contribute to breast cancer. For example, our sedentary lifestyle and the toxic products which we use every day can all contribute to the problem. What you must do is research and learn more about breast cancer and what's going on in the industry today. Breast cancer does have a permanent cure but it is not with our mainstream toxic treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
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